Monday, January 6, 2020

What Are the Effects of Adhd in the Classroom - 5060 Words

AEN Module Essay on an area of educational need: ADHD. Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is one of the most common and most distressing disorders amongst school-age children, yet it is probably one of the least well understood. It has received a lot of awareness mainly because of the large numbers of children receiving drug treatment for the disorder. Where children have behavioural problems and parents are finding it hard to manage, it is expected that they will turn to teachers for guidance and help. ADHD can drastically affect childrens development at school, not only their work but also their social progress and the relationships that they have with teachers and their peers. If not identified early, long-term†¦show more content†¦Hyperactivity, for example, is more frequent in children from families with marital discord, conflict and hostile parent-child relationships (Taylor, 1994). Parents of ADHD children are more likely to be more negative towards their children than other parents (Cunningham and Barkl ey, 1979), but this could be a response to the demands of living with a child with challenging behaviour (Barkley, 1990; Taylor, 1994). The progress of associated problems such as conduct disorder may also be parenting and social factors. Diet A study by Feingold (1975) first brought up the idea that diet may be an influential factor in ADHD and some single cases studies have recommended that a chance in diet can be beneficial for some individuals. More recent studies, however, have confirmed little or no effect of a change of diet and Barkley (1990) concluded that there was little verification to support diet being a causal factor. I believe that the most likely causes appear to fall into the area of neurobiology and genetics. 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